What is NST / Neurostructural integration Technique ?
Neurostructural Integration Technique or NST was developed in Melbourne, Australia between 1991- 1995 by Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy.
Michael was inspired by the work of Tom Bowen in Australia and Major Bertrand DeJarnette from the USA who were two greats in the field of Spinal Integration.
Dr Nixon-Livy integrated Advanced Kinesiology and the best parts of their work and launched the Spinal integration super techniques in Europe in 1996.
Since then it has become a global phenomenon in the spinal, sporting and natural health fields.
What are the benefits of Neurostructural integration technique?
NST uses highly specialised soft tissue ‘reflex’ manipulation called Pri-moves (proprioceptive rolling impulse movements) on the muscles and fascia.
Your body is able to reset any tension within the spinal systems to create balance among the muscle tensional systems.
This enables rapid elimination of pain and symptoms and provides vitality and postural health.
A balanced, hydrated muscular system will create health and vitality. Whereas unbalanced muscle tensions cause dysfunction and pain.
Pri-moves are applied in sequences to the Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical spines and may also be applied to the diaphragm, sacrum, coccyx, pelvis, and TMJ plus upper and lower extremities.
The diagram illustrates the importance of a well-balanced and integrated system.
If one of these skeletal systems has some dysfunction, it will cause another system to malfunction.
Your body is a machine with interconnecting systems that rely on each other for the body to work at its full potential.
Can NST help me?
Your NST treatment induces deep relaxation and profound results.
Your body feels looser and lighter as the tightness in your muscles is released.
Pain and discomfort is reduced after one treatment.
Over 80% of clients are symptom free within 1-5 sessions.
Click here for a list of conditions that may be helped by NST.
For further information please visit the NST Website
or to book your appointment with Kirsty, call 0403 147 469.